- [中]
- 顺着水流的方向推船。比喻顺着某个趋势或某种方便说话办事。
- [英]
- push the boat along with the current -- make use of an opportunity to achieve one's end; make use of the favourable current situation to push matters through with little effort; push a boat in the direction of the current; turn any favourable factors to account so that the least effort would produce the results desired; go with the current; go with the crowd; do sth. without extra effort; take advantage of a favourable trend
- [日]
- 成り行きに従って事を進める.
- [出典]
- 元•关汉《窦娥冤》第三折:“天地也做得个怕硬欺软,却原来也这般顺水推船。”;清•曹雪芹《红楼梦》第四回:“小的闻得老爷补升此任,亦系贾府王府之力,此薛蟠即贾府之亲,老爷何不顺水行舟,作个整人情,将此案了结,日后也好去见贾府王府。”
- [歇面]
- 懒汉不拉纤
- [用例]
- 我顺水推舟给了他一个面子。
- wǒ shùnshuǐ tuī zhōu gěi le tā yī gè miànzi
- わたしは成り行きに任せて彼の面子を立ててやった.
- [類義]
- ;;;
- [反義]
- ;