- [中]
- 形容公正严明,不怕权势,不讲情面。
- [英]
- be just and stern (to sb.); a stern look with severe lines about his mouth, without compunction or mercy; disinterested; grave as a judge; impersonal; impartial and incorruptible; not be moved by entreaty, prayer or tears from friends or relatives; not to spare anyone's sensibilities; relentless in his singleness of purpose in the execution of his duties; unmoved by personal appeals
- [日]
- 公正無私である.公正で情け容赦がない.
- [出典]
- 清•曹雪芹《红楼梦》第45回:“我想必得你去作个‘监社御史’,铁面无私才好。”
- [歇面]
- 开封府的包公
- [用例]
- 他铁面无私,恐怕够呛。
- 彼は公正無私だから,たぶんダメだろう.
- [類義]
- ;大公无私
- [反義]