- [中]
- 形容春暮景色衰败,落花随着流水而去。比喻好时光的消逝。也用以形容残败零落、被打得大败。
- [英]
- Petals drop and waters flow.; beat sb. all to pieces △nothing; ribands; sticks▽; beat sb. hollow △all hollow▽; beat △knock▽ someone into fits; be badly battered; be shattered to pieces; dropping petals and flowing waters; falling petals and running waters; Fallen petals are all carried away by the flowing water.; (as swiftly as) flowing water carries away petals from △of▽ dead flowers; give sb. a thorough beating; like fallen flowers carried away by flowing water -- in a sorry plight; like flowers scattered in a flowing stream -- the saddening state of a fallen family or country; utterly routed
- [日]
- 晩春の景色.こてんこてん(に).さんざん(に).ひどく.さんざんに打ちのめされる形容.
- [出典]
- 唐•李群玉《奉和张舍人送秦炼师归岑公山》诗:“兰浦苍苍春欲暮,落花流水怨离襟。”南唐•李煜《浪淘沙》词:“流水落花春去也,天上人间”
- [歇面]
- 冰雹砸荷叶
- [歇底]
- 有去无回