- [中]
- 故意伤害自己的肉体以骗取敌方信任的计策。
- [英]
- the ruse of inflicting an injury on oneself to win the confidence of the enemy; a trick of having oneself tortured to win the confidence of the enemy; a trick to gain an end by enduring bodily suffering; the ruse of self-injury to win sb.'s confidence; the trick of securing the enemy's faith by intentionally injuring oneself
- [日]
- 自分の身体を傷つけることで相手を欺く計略.苦肉の策.
- [出典]
- 元•关汉卿《单刀会》第一折:“亏杀那苦肉计黄盖添粮草。”
- [歇面]
- 王佐断臂