- [中]
- 苦口:反复规劝;婆心:仁慈的心肠。比喻善意而又耐心地劝导。
- [英]
- do one's best to convince sb.; admonishing words and kind feelings; advise in earnest words and with good intentions; earnestly and maternally; persuade sb. patiently; remonstrate earnestly; urge sb. time and again with good intentions; speak earnestly and patiently and with the best intention; talk like a Dutch uncle; warmhearted advice and encouragement; with kind and compassionate persuasion
- [日]
- 老婆心から繰り返し忠告する.
- [出典]
- 《宋史•赵普传》:“忠言苦口,三复来奏。”宋•释道原《景德传灯录•泉州道匡禅师》:“问:‘学人根思迟回,乞师曲运慈悲,开一线道。’师曰:‘这个是老婆心。’”
- [歇面]
- 吃罢黄连劝儿媳
- [用例]
- 我苦口婆心地劝说,可他根本听不进去。
- わたしは老婆心から繰り返し忠告しているが,彼はまったく聞き入れない.
- [類義]
- 语重心长;
- [反義]