- [中]
- 佛教用语。指佛力广大,能现出种种人相,向人说法。现指以亲身经历和体验为例来说明某种道理。
- [英]
- make a personal example as an effective means of convincing others; act as an example to others; personally to appear to teach; show sb. the way; teach a (moral) lesson based on one's own experience; use one's own experience to persuade sb. to do sth.; warn people by taking oneself as an example
- [日]
- 自分の経験を例に挙げて教えさとすこと.〔補足〕もとは仏教用語で,仏がいろいろな人間の姿になって法を説くこと.
- [出典]
- 《愣严经》卷六:“我与彼前,皆现其身,而为说法,令其成就。”宋•释道原《景德传灯录》卷一:“亦于十方界中现身说法。”
- [歇面]
- 老师傅传艺
- [用例]
- 请原黑帮成员现身说法。
- 元暴力団組員招いて語っていただく.
- [類義]
- [反義]