- [中]
- 形容吃东西又猛又急的样子。
- [英]
- eat (one's food) like wolves and tigers; devour like a wolf; eat eagerly and with great speed; eat in a terrible hurry; eat like a horse; eat voraciously; eat with the appetite of a wolf; garbage down; gobble up; gorge; gorge oneself with; have a wolf in one's stomach; make a pig of oneself; polish off; pitch into; wolf down one's food
- [日]
- (食事を)大急ぎでがつがつかきこむさま.
- [出典]
- 明•凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇•刘东山夸技顺城门》:“十人自来吃酒……须臾之间,狼飧虎咽,算来吃够有六七十斤肉。”
- [歇面]
- 张三和大虫抢食
- [用例]
- 慢点儿吃,别狼吞虎咽的。
- ゆっくり食べなさい,丸呑みしないで.
- [類義]
- ;;;
- [反義]