- [中]
- 发挥或发扬优点或有利条件,克服或回避缺点或不利条件。
- [英]
- make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages; adopt sb.'s good points and avoid his shortcomings; develop the strong points and avoid the weak points; exploit to the full one's favourable conditions and avoid unfavourable ones; foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses; give play to one's strong points and avoid one's shortcomings
- [日]
- 長所を伸ばし,短所を抑える.得意とする方面を生かし,不得手な方面からの影響を少なくする.
- [出典]
- 秦牧《漫记端木蕻良》:“选择这样一个题材来写作,既扬长避短,也施展了抱负。”
- [用例]
- 人都有缺点,成功与否的关键在于扬长避短。
- 人は誰でも短所があるもので,成功するか否かの鍵は長所を伸ばし短所を抑えるところにある.
- [類義]
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- [反義]
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