- [中]
- 非非:原为佛家语,表示虚幻的境界。想到非常玄妙虚幻的地方去了。形容完全脱离现实地胡思乱想。
- [英]
- have a maggot in one's head; aim at the moon; allow one's fancy to run wild; aspire after the impossible; be full of whims and fancies; cast beyond the moon; count the chickens before they are hatched; entertain a wild hope; flight of fancy; give loose rein to one's fancy; give free play to one's imagination; have bees in the head; harbor fantastic ideas; have one's head full of bees; have strange whims or fancies; indulge in dreams; indulge one's fancy; let one's imagination run wild; nourish wild ideas; wishful thinking; have one's head in the clouds; have a rat in a garret
- [日]
- 妄想をたくましくする.白昼夢にふける.とりとめもないことを考える.
- [出典]
- 《楞严经》:“如存不存,若尽不尽,如是一类,名非想非非想处。”
- [歇面]
- 梦中游太空
- [用例]
- 你的想法简直是想入非非,还是现实点吧。
- お前の考えはまるで妄想だ,現実的になれ.
- [類義]
- 胡思乱想;
- [反義]
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