- [中]
- 照:知道;宣:公开说出。彼此心里明白,而不公开说出来。
- [英]
- Both understand from their hearts what the matter is but do not choose to say so in public.; have a tacit (mutual) understanding; no need to express oneself in so many words; no need to say how grateful (I am); not necessary to say more; think it is not necessary to say more; thoroughly understand each other, without having exchanged a word of explanation; take wordless counsel
- [日]
- 意思は通じているが口には出さない.気持ちが通じていて口に出す必要がない.お互いが暗黙のうちに了解し合う.
- [出典]
- 晋•潘岳《夏侯常侍诔》:“心照神交,唯我与子。”后作“心照不宣”。
- [歇面]
- 胸口挂灯笼
- [用例]
- 我和他之间有心照不宣的默契。
- わたしと彼の間には暗黙の了解がある.
- [類義]
- ;;;心中有数
- [反義]
- ;