- [中]
- 得:适合。自以为做的事情合乎道理,心里很坦然。
- [英]
- feel at ease and justified; feel justified and contented; have no qualms of conscience; have an easy conscience; heart at rest and virtue in completion; have a quiet conscience; have that peace of mind which comes from having done sth. perfectly justifiable; one's conscience is void of offence; with mind at rest and conscience clear; with one's mind at ease
- [日]
- やましいところがなく心が安らかである.
- [出典]
- 清•岭南羽衣女士《东欧女豪杰》第三回:“原来我们只求自己心安理得,那外界的苦乐原是不足计较。”
- [用例]
- 我不求别的,只求心安理得。
- わたしは他に何も求めない,ただ心安らかなることを望むのみだ.