- [中]
- 强词:强辩;夺:争。指无理强辩,明明没理硬说有理。
- [英]
- use lame arguments and perverted logic; chop logic; distort the right and talk speciously; exaggerate by rhetoric; One's words are overbearing and (he) distorts reason.; pervert reason; reason fallaciously; resort to sophistry in self-justification; snatch a victory in argument; swear black is white; argue irrationally; turn things upside down by a stretch of the language; twist one's principles in order to finish an argument
- [日]
- 道理に合わないことを強弁する.へ理屈をこねる.横車を押す.
- [出典]
- 明•罗贯中《三国演义》第四十三回:“座上一人忽日:‘孔明所言,皆强词夺理,均非正论,不必再言。”
- [歇面]
- 手不溜怨袄袖
- [用例]
- 他那辩解是强词夺理,说服不了谁。
- 彼のあの弁解は屁理屈だ,誰も納得することはない.