- [中]
- 对答:回答。回答问话象流水一样快。形容口才好,反应快。
- [英]
- answer fluently; answer glibly; answer the questions without any hitch; reply in a stream of eloquence; give fluent replies; answer without any hesitation; answer readily without stopping; answer as quickly as the flowing of water; be ready at repartee; be fast at answering the questions; dissertation delivered as easily as the flowing of water
- [日]
- よどみなく応答する.
- [出典]
- 《北史•李孝伯传》:“风容闲雅,应答如流。”
- [用例]
- 我经历了无数次的面试,现在对考官的那些无聊的提问对答如流。
- 無数の面接を経験して、今では面接官のつまらない質問に対してよどみなく応答できる.
- [類義]
- 滔滔不绝;;
- [反義]
- ;;