- [中]
- 回春:使春天重返,比喻将快死的人救活。指医生医术高明。
- [英]
- bring a patient back to life; bring life back to a patient; effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life; snatch sb. from the jaws of death; the magic hand that restores health; a quick cure by a clever doctor; help sb. recover from a lingering illness; raise sb. from the dead; restore the dying to life again; save the life of the seemingly hopeless patient
- [日]
- すぐれた医術で病気がたちまち治る.〔補足〕医者をほめる言葉.
- [出典]
- 清•李宝嘉《官场现形记》第二十回:“但是药铺门里门外,足足挂着二三十块匾额:什么‘功同良相’,什么‘扁鹊复生’,什么‘妙手回春’……”
- [歇面]
- 药王爷的匾
- [用例]
- 他妙手回春,盘活公司了。
- 彼は優れた能力で,会社を復活させた.
- [類義]
- ;
- [反義]