- [中]
- 坐着也不是,站着也不是。形容心情紧张,情绪不安。
- [英]
- be on tenterhooks; be ill at ease; be in terrible fidgets; be on the anxious bench; be restless whether sitting or standing; be restless with anxiety; be very fidgety; cannot sit or stand in peace; feel uneasy whether sitting or standing; have ants in one's pants; lose one's balance and be ill at ease; on needles and pins; sit on thorns
- [日]
- 居ても立ってもいられない.気がかりでじっとしていられない.
- [出典]
- 明•施耐庵《水浒全传》第四十回:“自从哥哥吃官事,兄弟坐立不安,又无路可救。”
- [歇面]
- 属泥翁的;猴屁股扎蒺藜
- [用例]
- 孩子出走了两天,她已经坐立不安了。
- 子どもが家出をして二日,彼女はもう居ても立ってもいられなくなった.