- [中]
- 刮目:擦眼睛,表示用新眼光看人。比喻去掉旧日的看法,用新的眼光来看待人或事物。
- [英]
- sit up and take notice; have a completely new appraisal of somebody; hold a person in high esteem; keep eyes polished; look at sb. with new eyes; look at (sb.) with quite different eyes; look upon each other in a different light from before, considering that changes of feelings, attitude, etc. might occur in the meantime, affecting their relations; regard (a person) with special esteem; set a high value on ...; treat sb. with increased respect
- [日]
- 新しい目で見る.刮目する.
- [出典]
- 《三国志•吴志•吕蒙传》注引《江表传》:“士别三日,即更刮目相待。”
- [歇面]
- 乌鸦照镜子
- [用例]
- 这次比赛中,他的表现让人刮目相看。
- zhè cì bǐsài zhōng, tā de biǎoxiàn ràng rén guā mù xiāng kàn
- この度の試合では,彼のパフォーマンスは刮目に価する.
- [類義]
- ;另眼相看;
- [反義]