- [中]
- 蚕吐丝作茧,把自己裹在里面。比喻做了某件事,结果使自己受困。也比喻自己给自己找麻烦。
- [英]
- in a cocoon around oneself; be caught in one's own trap; cocoon oneself like silkworms; fall into a pit of one's own digging; fall into the cocoon set by oneself; fry in one's own grease; get enmeshed in a web of one's own spinning; hoist oneself with one's own petard; make a cocoon to shut oneself in; put a noose around one's own neck; spin a cocoon around oneself -- to get enmeshed in a web of one's own spinning; tie oneself up with; weave a cocoon and get imprisoned in it; wrap oneself up in a cocoon
- [日]
- カイコがまゆを作って自分をその中に閉じこめる.〈喩〉自縄自縛
- [出典]
- 唐•白居易《江州赴忠州至江陵已来舟中示舍弟五十韵》诗:“烛蛾谁救护,蚕茧自缠萦。”宋•陆游《剑南诗稿•书叹》:“人生如春蚕,作茧自缠裹。”
- [類義]
- ;;自作自受
- [反義]