- [中]
- 付:交给;诸:之于。扔在东流的水里冲走。比喻希望落空,成果丧失,前功尽弃,好像随着流水冲走了一样。
- [英]
- cast to the winds; All hope is lost.; be gone with the eastward-flowing streams; be gone with the wind; bury in oblivion; come to naught; consign it to the waters, eastward bound; end in smoke; entrust sth. to the east-flowing streams; forget as sth. past; give up; give up as impracticable; go to the wall; go to waste; irrevocably lost; It's a forlorm hope.; leave a matter to chance; The game is up.; thrown into the eastward flowing stream -- all one's efforts wasted
- [日]
- 水泡に帰する.これまでの苦労がむだになる.
- [出典]
- 唐•高适《封丘作》诗:“生事应须南亩田,世事尽付东流水。”;宋•查荎《透碧霄•惜别》:“叹人生、杳似浮萍,又翻成轻别,都将深恨,付与东流。”;元•关汉卿《金线池》第二折:“往常个侍衾裯,都做了付东流。”;清•曹雪芹《红楼梦》第30回:“别人总未解得他四个人的言语,因此付之流水。”;清•汤斌《汤子遗书•请旨行取疏》:“亲朋为之惋惜:以为半生功名付之逝水。”
- [歇面]
- 长江里漂木头
- [用例]
- 他的失误导致我们两年多努力付诸东流。
- tā de shīwù dǎozhì wǒmen liǎng nián duō nǔlì fù zhū dōngliú
- 彼のミスは我々のここ2年の努力を水泡に帰する結果を招いた.
- [類義]
- [反義]