- [中]
- 错:错开;处置。不知道怎么办才好。形容处境为难或心神慌乱。
- [英]
- be at a loss what to do; be at one's wits' end; be at a nonplus; be at a stand; lose one's bearings; not to know what to do; not to know whether one stands on one's head or heels; not to know what to make of; push the panic button; scarcely know where to turn
- [日]
- どうしたらよいか分からない.なすすべを知らない.
- [出典]
- 《管子•七臣七主》:“振主喜怒无度,严诛列赦,臣下振怒,不知所错,则人反其故。”
- [用例]
- 事情来得太突然,我不知所措。
- あまりに急な話なので,どうすればよいかわからない.