- [中]
- 诺:许诺。许下的一个诺言有千金的价值。比喻说话算数,极有信用。
- [英]
- a promise is weightier than one thousand bars of gold; a promise is as good as a thousand taels; a promise that will be kept; be true to one's words; that's a solemn promise; a promise that can be counted on; the promise once given is as good as a thousand taels
- [日]
- 約束は必ず守り信用がおける.一度引き受けた以上必ずやり遂げる.
- [出典]
- 《史记•季布栾布列传》:“得黄金百斤,不如得季布一诺。”
- [用例]
- 他讲信用,一诺千金,你完全可以放心。
- 彼は信用を重んじ,一度引き受けた以上必ずやり遂げますので,安心してください.
- [類義]
- [反義]
- 言而无信