- [中]
- 五、十:计数单位。五个十个地将数目点清。比喻叙述从头到尾,源源本本,没有遗漏。也形容查点数目。
- [英]
- relate in detail; count by fives and tens; enumerate on and on; from the very beginning; in detail; narrate systematically and in full detail; go into the ins and outs; in good order and with nothing missing; narrate in details; tell sb. all about from first to last, omitting no detail; with nothing missing
- [日]
- 一部始終.細大漏らさず.全部.
- [出典]
- 明•施耐庵《水浒全传》第二十五回:“这妇人听了这话,也不回言,却踅过来,一五一十,都对王婆和西门庆说了。”
- [歇面]
- 唱戏的打板子
- [用例]
- 他已经把事情的来龙去脉一五一十地告诉我了。
- 彼はすでに事のいきさつを一部始終わたしに話した.