- [中]
- 指没有根据,不切实际的瞎想。
- [英]
- make blind and disorderly conjectures; be lost in various fancies and conjectures; be moved by confused, foolish reflections; entertain all sorts of ideas; entertain foolish ideas; go off into wild flights of fancy; have a maggot in one's brain △head▽; indulge in flights of fancy; let one's imagination △fancy▽ run wild; let one's mind wander; One's wits go a-wool-gathering.; spoil one's head △confuse one's brain▽ by thinking nonsense; think confusedly; a wild goose chase; have a bee in one's head; woolgather
- [日]
- あれこれとくだらないことを思いめぐらす.妄想をたくましくする.
- [出典]
- 《朱子全书•学》:“宜于日用之间,稍立课程,不要如此胡思乱量,过却子也。”;宋•苏辙《龙川别志》卷下:“慈圣意不怿,曰:‘皇亲辈皆笑太后欲于旧涡寻兔儿。’闻者惊惧,皆退数步立。独琦不动,曰:‘太后不要胡思乱量。’”
- [歇面]
- 大天白日做美梦
- [用例]
- 做好自己的工作,别整天胡思乱想的。
- 自分の仕事をしっかりとやれ,一日中あれこれとくだらないことに思いをめぐらすのはやめろ.
- [類義]
- ;;;想入非非;
- [反義]
- ;